2 Hour Workshop $444
Class Size Min. 1 (Private) Max 20 (Add $25 per person) - Young Adults to Adult
This will be a 2 hour long discourse and discussion on Spiritual, Cosmic and truths of the Universe - in preparation for your self realization!
Supemorals and day to day life issues that affect each of us. We will discuss topics surrounding the ego, discernement, detachment, hierarchy, how spirit guides interact with us on a daily basis through 'Sychronicity' and how musical frequency plays an important role in shaping our everyday lives.
Spency discusses how we are able to manifest our wishes, desires and goals through the power of intention and thought through the process of meditation, will power and sacred chants with sounds and phrases not uttered in this dimension since ancient times.
Discussions from the Spency's book and teachings from Spiritual masters will be discoursed throughout the session. This is a non denominational workshop.
This workshop will awaken realizations from deep within and will benefit mind, body and spirit!